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WOA China Metal Battle 2016 Review

WOA China Metal Battle 2016 Review

WOA China Metal Battle 2016 Review     The two day festival hosted in Zhenjiang started off on a sour note with the heavens crying all morning and afternoon. But like all shows, rain only means smaller crowds for the bands to play to. So in the rain, sound...
Taihu Midi Day 3

Taihu Midi Day 3

Taihu Midi Day 3     Last day at Taihu midi started exactly the same as the second day, with heat, and electronic music playing at both stages. but the feel of the crowd was completely different and was more like the normal MIDI crowd you would get at a rock...
Taihu Midi Day 2

Taihu Midi Day 2

Taihu Midi Day 2     The first day at Taihu Midi was a muddy mess, day two was the complete opposite, with the scorching sun burning everything in site. Luckily there was a swimming pool at the venue for visitors to play in.     Just like the first...
Taihu Midi Day 1

Taihu Midi Day 1

Taihu Midi Day 1     After a lot of the rain the day before, Taihu midi was a muddy messy but it did not stop people from coming and having a good time. During the day, it was all Electronic music at the two stages and the one stage changed to rock and metal...
More festivals 2015

More festivals 2015

Changjiang International Music Festival and Midi Taihu Music festival I have a busy weekend starting on Friday with Changjiang International Music Festival and continuing on Saturday and then off to Taihu Suzhou Midi music festival on Sunday.      ...
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