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XiJinDu Weekly Music Festival Week 17


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This weeks show was a mixture of pop and rock music, starting off with the soft pop band 儿童电影院乐队. 儿童电影院乐队 has a big fan base in China so it was a little surprising that they were opening the show. Their set was solid and a nice big crowd came to watch them, but like all pop music in China, pop tens to draw a big crowd of older people.


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At the end if their set, the crowd of older people started to leave, older people and rock/metal don’t mix to well here in China. Before 雪人先生Snowman had finished their quick sound check, I guess more than 40% of the crowd had already left. Not great for the band, but that is life here in China for bands.


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雪人先生Snowman set was ok, but they seemed to not have played a lot. There was a lot of posturing and talking on stage between songs and the band just gave off a feeling that they were not the most experienced around. Some of their songs sounded good but their stage performance needs a lot of work.  Bands sometimes forget just how important the stage performance is.


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This was the last show in a busy week for me, and I was kinda glad when it was over. The show at XiJinDu was ok this week but not spectacular. I am hoping that next will be better though. Next week most university students will be returning from home, so I am expecting a nice big, energetic crowd.


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